On the 1st of May 2019, VoIPLine Telecom won an award as "Highly recommended" in the category of the Best Multinational Solution in a prestigious event hosted by ITSPA Awards 2019 — The Internet Telephony Services Providers' Association.
The Awards, designed to celebrate innovation, best practice and recognise achievement within the next generations communications industry, were held at Glaziers Hall in central London.
We want to thank all our beloved customers and loyal employees for the possibility to provide high-quality VoIP services across different countries for any type and size of business.
VoIPLine first launched hosted voice products over 11 years ago to the Australian market with the initial intention to offer customers hosted voice services that they had real control over. Operating successfully on the Australian market supporting customers inside and outside of Australia, we had multiple enquirers about providing services inside of Europe, from customers who have an international office in Europe, specifically the United Kingdom. Midway through 2018 we successfully launched our services in the UK, to support European customers, and immediately had customers using our Australian service, port their numbers away from other UK based carriers to our freshly deployed UK based service. Adding benefits from integration on offer in call handling for customers with offices in Australia and Europe.
We offer bespoke solutions to a range of customers that require both multiple international deployments or a single deployment, and having the infrastructure in 2 significant continents with direct interconnects with significant tier-one carrier allows us to meet the requirements more often than not. Our plans for future roll-outs to North America by the end of 2019 will also support this further.
Australia - https://www.voipline.net.au
New Zealand - https://www.voipline.co.nz
United Kingdom - https://www.voiplinetelecom.co.uk
Looking for a reliable VoIP provider? Sign up at VoIPLine Telecom and get 14-Day free trial to try the best features of our Hosted PBX phone telephone solution.
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