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Professional Announcement Script Examples


This guide will provide you with a range of templates to assist the creation of your professional voice announcements. Should you need any assistance, feel free to contact our support department.


What is a professional announcement?


From within the PBX, you have a range of objects that will allow you to upload a media file to be played back to the caller. These announcements will provide that corporate or professional image to the callers of your business. Voice talents that appear on radio or TV advertisement can be purchased from within your customer portal and uploaded to your announcement objects inside the PBX tab.


Voicemail greetings


We have a couple of example scripts below; that can be extended on to suit your business needs in terms of building a script for your personal or company voicemail announcement. 


1. Hi, you have reached 'yourname' at 'yourcompanyname'. Unfortunately, I am not available at present. Please leave your name, number and a message, and I will return your call as soon as possible.


2. Hello, you have called 'yourcompanyname'. We are currently closed. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, from 'xtime' to 'xtime'. Please visit our website at 'companywebsite' for further information or leave us a message and we will return your call during business hours.


Virtual reception media messaging


Welcome announcements are an interesting option to present your company to your callers and provide them with options to select according to their requirements, this is also known as a voice menu or virtual receptionist.


1. Thanks for calling 'yourcompanyname', the specialist in 'xxx'. Please choose from one of the following options. For customer service, press '1', for technical support, press '2'...


2. Thank you for calling 'yourcompanyname'. If you know the extension of the party you are trying to reach please dial the number now. Alternatively, select 1 for sales, 2 for support, or 3 for accounts.


3. Welcome to 'yourcompanyname'. Our options have recently changed. Please select from the following options. For customer service, press '1', for technical support, press '2'...


Call queue welcome announcement 


When callers join a call queue, you have the option to play a media message to instruct the callers that their call is entering a queue.


1. You are now being connected to one of our representatives. Please hold and we will be with you shortly.


2. Our team are working towards your call, in the meantime please hold and we will handle your request soon. 


Periodic call queue media messaging 


Call queue periodic announcements are designed to be played to callers placed in a call queue, to provide them with feedback or an exit path. 


1. Our agents are currently assisting other callers. Please continue to hold and the next available agent will answer. Alternatively, press 1 to leave us a message and we will call you back as soon as our agents become available. 


2. Thank you for your patience. All of our agents are currently busy. Please continue to hold until our next available agent is available or press 1 to receive a callback. 

[[title=Professional Announcement Script Examples]]
[[description=This guide will provide you with a range of templates to assist the creation of your professional voice announcements.]]

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