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Knowledge base centre

Disabling Ghost Calls on your Yealink Device


Are you receiving annoying Ghost Calls on your Yealink devices?


Do you answer phone calls from area codes or prefixes such as 100, 1000, 1001? Are the calls dead silent on the callers' end? Ghost calls, A.K.A phantom calls occur when an unknown entity calls in without leaving a message or answer after the receiver picks up the call. 
If you are receiving frequent calls of similar nature, read on to find out more on how to disable these Ghost callers. 

Disable Ghost Calls from your Yealink device


Please refer to the images below for guidance on disabling these calls.

  1. Press the ok button on the phone and write down the IPv4 address.
  2. Enter this address into any web-browser address field and press enter.
  3. Credentials:
    - Default login: admin
    - Default password: admin
  4. Got to Feature tab - General Information


  5. Get "Accept SIP Trust Server Only" enabled

  6. "Allow IP Call" - Disabled

  7. Click confirm to save changes


If you experience any further issues, please contact our support team for further assistance. 


[[title=Disabling Ghost Calls on your Yealink device]]
[[description=Ghost calls, A.K.A phantom calls, occur when an unknown entity calls in without leaving a message or answer after the receiver picks up the call.]]



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