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Knowledge base centre

1.8.3 Update

Channel partner

  • Bug fixes.

Whitelabel partner

  • Bug fixes.

Wholesale voice

  • Emergency addresses (a.k.a IPND) implemented. Can be found for a specific customer: Customers tab> choose customer > Emergency addresses. Settings in: Settings tab > Global configuration > Global settings > Emergency-services (a list of all emergency addresses can be downloaded from here).


Emergency addresses can be managed right from Customer tab

  • DID history now records when an emergency address has been added/changed for a specific number.


All emergency addresses changes are saved in DID history

  • If a customer's emergency address is not validated during verification via our automatic system, a notification will be created with high priority.
  • All customers under partners are shown by default in the Customers tab.


Now all customers of all resellers are shown by default

  • Ability to download account balance reports for 6+ months. Switch billing to archive mode > choose a customer > Account balance tab > Save report > Account balance (HTML, PDF and CSV).


The process of downloading reports for 6+ months

  • When whitelabel resellers don't have their payment parameter configured, it won't be accessible to their customers.


WLP should have at least one payment parameters configured

A quick search will help you find answers, to most of the FAQ's.
If you are unable to a find solution from the knowledge base centre, please contact
your service provider for technical assistance.