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How do I set up my Stripe API Payment Gateway?


At the end of this article, you can integrate Stripe payment functions with your VoIP system. Should you need any assistance, feel free to contact a higher level of support.

Setting up Stripe API

To set up Stripe on Billing, you will need the following information:

  • Stripe Account (See Stripe website for details and documentation)
  • Stripe API Publishable Key
  • Stripe API secret Key

Adding API Keys to the Partner Portal

Once you have your Stripe API keys, in your Partner Portal, navigate to:

Settings Tab > Payment Gateways > Stripe Settings

Add your keys in the matching fields for:

  • Stripe API Publishable Key
  • Stripe API secret Key

Now navigate to 

Settings Tab > Payment Gateways > Global gateways configuration

Select Stripe in the dropdown under Default credit cards payment gateway.

Set No in the dropdown under Disable credit card functionality.

Once enabled, the system will generate a Webhook ID and Secret.

Testing Stripe Payment

Once you have set it up, you can test it by adding a Card to the customer account under the payments section. When you add a card, a verification email will be sent to the customer account email address to authorize the payment. When the email is successfully authorized, you should see the customer account topped up with the verified amount.

If the amount is deducted from the credit card but not reflected on the customer portal, please check Webhook events and see if there are any failed attempts for the Webhook event setup, especially payment_intent.succeeded event.

For other failures, please check Stripe History/logs to see what details errors you have received from Bank. For example - Bank not Honouring the transaction, etc. Based on the details received, cardholders may need to contact their bank to resolve the issue.


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