Channel partner
- 'Buy Price' and 'Margin' columns were added for invoice creation pop-up. If you want to give your customer a discount, it will be easy to see if you still get a margin or not when you change the sell price.
Change the sell price and see your margin
Whitelabel partner
- 'Buy Price' and 'Margin' columns were added for invoice creation pop-up. If you want to give your customer a discount, it will be easy to see if you still get a margin or not when you change the sell price.
Change the sell price and see your margin
Wholesale voice
- New customer account status: TRIAL EXPIRED. This status is given to customers automatically if their trial expired and they haven't gone through the verification process. Previously such customers had a CANCELLED status.
New status to track customers who abandon their account during the trial
- New customer account status: UNQUALIFIED. This status can be only given manually. Customer accounts with this status will not be able to restore their accounts by themselves.
New status to mark dodgy customers
- TRIAL EXPIRED and UNQUALIFIED accounts are stored in the deleted customer accounts list. There's a new filter called 'Status' to show either: CANCELLED, TRIAL EXPIRED or UNQUALIFIED customer accounts.
New filter in deleted customers list
- Now changes shown in customer's history done by resellers are indicated with their name (previously it was just 'System').
Resellers actions are marked now with their names
- Creation of new invoices was modified. Now it's possible to change the base price (in this case the sell price will be recalculated) or to change the sell price (in this case partner's margin will be recalculated). It will make the discount process for equipment more clear.
Change either 'Base Price' or 'Sell Price' to give a customer a discount at your expense or the reseller's expense