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Knowledge base centre

1.9.26 Update

  • Daily user report was updated. Now the incoming/outgoing calls chart shows only answered calls. Previously it showed all calls including declined and abandoned ones.


Updated chart.

  • Now all daily reports will have a name of the day next to the date.


A name of the day of added to make it a bit clearer.

  • Now it’s possible to add information about a DTMF prefix in the Webhook object's URL. Also, DTMF info is now also displayed in the webhook itself.


An information about DTMF prefix can be used in webhook's URL + it's shown in webhook itself.

  • Inbound number object: now there's a formatting for phone numbers from any country. Previously we had a formatting only for AU numbers (e.g. 612 1234 567 instead of 6121234567). 


Now phone numbers from any country will be formatted to make them easier to read.

  • User object: phone numbers that are not used in Inbound number objects are now displayed as just phone numbers in Caller IDs list. Numbers that are attached are displayed with a name of an Inbound number object.


Green — phone numbers are used in Inbound number object. Red — a phone number not used in Inbound number object. 

  • A note was added to the phonebooks window that phonebooks do not integrate with Microsoft Teams.


Unfortunately, Microsoft Teams doesn't support external phonebooks.

  • Now it's possible to use Microsoft Teams channel emails in any PBX object where an email field exists.
  • Webphone: contacts in phonebooks are saved without + symbol at the start of a phone number. Now even if you call a number with + at the beginning — a system will recognise a contact with such a number. Also, the same works for searching for contacts in a phonebook.



Search and calls support contacts recognision with both + and without it.

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If you are unable to a find solution from the knowledge base centre, please contact
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