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Knowledge base centre

Account Details


After reading this article you will be able to access and change your account details, view subscriptions on the account, and view and alter administrators and their accessibility.



The account details are where you will view your personal details. This will include your name, company name, email address and contact number.

If you would like to change any of these details after they have been entered, please contact our support team.

You will also need to add in the service address which needs to be correct for some aspects of the system to work. You will be prompted to add a shipping address if different from the service address in the circumstance that you purchase equipment.

Finally, select the correct time zone for your PBX to ensure that objects such as time conditions functionality work correctly at the appropriate time.





Active subscriptions will display all of the subscriptions listed Individually on the account including their service costs and totals for a full breakdown of the minimum monthly costs.



Account Administrators

Account Administrators are provided with access to the customer portal using their own unique login details. The data that each administrator can access can be filtered by the primary administrator. The primary administrator has access to create, edit or remove currently active and past admin details as required. To create a new administrator, select the “Add” button which will take you to the next tab to enter in the new administrator details and accessibility.



When adding a new administrator, the details that will be required will be an email address, for the new administrator to access the account, First and last name and contact number. 

The Primary administrator will have the ability to filter out what each active administrator will have access to. An example of this would be if you have an administrator for an accounts team. You may only want them to access the billing tab and receive emails for invoices and receipts. This can be done by selecting the tabs and emails you would like the administrator to have access to and selecting the save button to confirm these changes.




A quick search will help you find answers, to most of the FAQ's.
If you are unable to a find solution from the knowledge base centre, please contact
your service provider for technical assistance.