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VoIPLine Telecom uses latest technologies in web development. Unfortunately your web browser is not supported and some parts of our we site may not be displayed correctly. Below are links to the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and MS Edge browser.

Knowledge base centre

1.9.35 Update

  • Added statistics on Ring group calls. Reports tab > Ring group statistics.


  • Big update for the queue statistics page: updated design, added statistics on calls by queue, and a pie chart on how quickly the calls were answered. Reports tab > Queue statistics.

  • Billing > Bills and payments > Invoices — added a column with Pending amount for invoices where payment is not instantaneous.


  • Reports tab > User statistics > Email report — the report will now show all calls made by users instead of a summary.


  • User portal app v1.0.2:
    • The Windows version of the app now shows functional notifications of incoming calls, from which you can immediately accept or reject the call.
      • Added support for more protocols for the Windows application. In addition to tel: - callto: and sip: are now also available.

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