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Knowledge base centre

2.0.2 Update

  • If you need to confirm a payment with 3-D Secure — no more searching for an email about it. You can now confirm the payment directly from the portal. And if the payment has not been confirmed for some reason, the system will remind you of this when you log in to the portal.

  • Introducing a new report — 'Monthly call volume'. This report shows the total number of calls over the last six months and also gives general details such as the number of calls answered, busy calls, total duration etc. 'Reports' tab > 'Monthly call volume'.

  • The 'Billing' tab > 'Usage history' > 'Call history' , and the 'Reports' tab > 'Call history' — now instead of just showing the call plan, for outgoing calls the user (who made the call), call plan and their subaccount will also be shown. This information has also been added to the corresponding CSV report.


  • Updated the access settings for administrators. It is now possible to configure which pages are available to the administrator and which are not. Previously, access was granted at the level of the entire tab. 'Billing tab' > 'Account details' section > 'Account administrators' part > select an admin > 'Edit' button.

  • Introducing an animated tutorial on the portal. If you are a new customer, it will be offered the first time you log in. If you are an existing customer, you can call the tutorial using the 'Quick start guide' button in the bottom left corner.

  • Moved the 'Call rate search' page to the 'Billing' tab.


  • 'Fax to email' PBX object — added the ability to configure your own email template.


A quick search will help you find answers, to most of the FAQ's.
If you are unable to a find solution from the knowledge base centre, please contact
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