Prepaid Accounts
Prepaid accounts operate on the remaining credit on the account. The account balance needs to be positive for the service to work. If the remaining credit on the account drops below $0.00, the account will be suspended (inbound and outbound calls will no longer route).
Prepaid accounts will have a Gold Star (ref. 3.)next to the "Company Name" (ref. 4.).
Post-paid Accounts
Post-paid accounts operate on a credit limit set on an account-by-account basis. The used credit needs to be above the allowed credit limit. (for example, if a customer has $100.00 for their credit limit, their account will still be functional when the remaining credit goes into the negatives up until it reaches -$100.00.) Post-paid accounts will have an invoice generated on the 1st of every month for the previous month’s subscriptions and usage. This invoice has 14-day payment terms.
Post-paid accounts will have a Red Hexagon (ref. 3.) next to the "Company Name" (ref. 4.).