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Knowledge base centre

2.1.2 Update

Wholesale voice

  • In all lists where you can select a reseller, the reseller ID has been added. You can also search by reseller ID.
  • ‘Services’ tab > Almost any service section — new 'Merge' button:
    • Now it is possible to merge services of the same type with each other - subscriptions of two services will be merged into one service. 
    • There are several possible exceptions where the customer already has a subscription to both services and one of them has a discount, etc. —  such cases are taken into account and will be skipped when merging. 
      • In any such case, a message will be displayed with a hint about what you need to do to correct the situation and complete the merge completely. 
  • ‘Services’ tab > Almost any service section > select a service that can be added to the service groups:
    • Added a new window called ‘Service groups’ where it will be indicated to which service groups the service has been added.
  • While editing a customer's subscription, there is now an option to reset the discount when a specified date is reached. 
  • ‘Inbound DIDs’ tab > ‘DID groups’ section 
    • There is a new 'Indefinite quarantine' column.
    • If this setting is enabled for a DID group, and if the number of this DID group is quarantined, it will not be automatically restored to ‘Available’ status.
  • ‘Customers’ tab  — new 'Cancellation reasons report' button added:
    • You can export data about accounts that have been cancelled over a certain period and see the reasons for their cancellation.
    • This is useful for analysing why customers cancel their accounts.
  • ‘Settings’ tab > ‘Global configuration’ section > Emergency services > Export emergency addresses:
    • Now, WLP customer numbers will not be exported. 
  • ‘Call reports’ tab > ‘Profitability’ section. Now the profitability report does not take into account:
    • 'Add credits' and 'Add charges' from the partner portal’.
    • Payment of invoices by WLP customers.

Channel partner

  • Stability improvements, small and internal changes.

Whitelabel partner

  • ‘Settings’ tab > a new 'Emergency services' section:
    • Only relevant for partners registered in Australia.
    • Here you need to specify your individual settings in order to export customer number data and submit a report to regulatory authorities. 
    • Please contact the support team about reporting to regulatory authorities and other details.

A quick search will help you find answers, to most of the FAQ's.
If you are unable to a find solution from the knowledge base centre, please contact
your service provider for technical assistance.