Dear visitor,
VoIPLine Telecom uses latest technologies in web development. Unfortunately your web browser is not supported and some parts of our we site may not be displayed correctly. Below are links to the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and MS Edge browser.

Knowledge base centre

2.1.6 Update

Wholesale voice

  • If a customer starts/abandons/ends automatic identity verification, a Stripe ID is now added to such customer history records to make it easier to find the customer's verification in the Stripe portal.
    • ‘Customers’ tab > select a customer > History
  • If the customer orders equipment, the details of such an invoice now show the name of the recipient, not just the address. 
    • ‘Invoices’ tab > invoice with equipment order > Shipping/tracking details.
    • The change will apply to new invoices only.
  • ‘Services’ tab > ‘DID services’ (or any other appropriate type of service) > select a service > Merge
    • Added a new checkbox that allows to move a discount from a subscription from the original service to the target one.

Channel partner

  • ‘Integrations/API’ tab > API > Customer account related requests > [GET] Customer billing for period — added ‘call_direction’ to the response. 

Whitelabel partner

  • ‘Integrations/API’ tab > API > Customer account related requests > [GET] Customer billing for period — added ‘call_direction’ to the response.

A quick search will help you find answers, to most of the FAQ's.
If you are unable to a find solution from the knowledge base centre, please contact
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