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Softphone Error Troubleshooting


At the end of this article, you will be able to understand and troubleshoot common errors on softphones. Should you need any assistance, feel free to contact our support department.


Common error codes on softphones applications


When installing and running softphones, there is a range of error codes that might happen. In this article, the normal causes will be explained and how to fix them.

401 - Unauthorized - username/password invalid - This error normally happens when you have entered an incorrect username or password from your SIP device details. You should double-check your SIP details accessing the PBX customer portal and clicking on SIP devices at the bottom-left-corner.




403 - Forbidden - This error also means that username or password was entered incorrectly from the SIP device. You should double-check your SIP details accessing the PBX customer portal and clicking on SIP devices at the bottom-left-corner, as shown in the image above.


404 - Not Found - Usually, this error represents that you have dialled an incorrect number. You should double-check the number and try to dial the number from another landline or mobile.


407 - Proxy Authentication Required - This error also means that username or password was entered incorrectly from the SIP device details. You should double-check your SIP details accessing the PBX customer portal and clicking on SIP devices at the bottom-left-corner, as shown in the image above.


488 - Not Acceptable Here - This error means that the phone is registered, but the codecs are incompatible. You should double-check if the configured codecs on your softphone are G711 ulaw/alaw, G722 or G729.

[[title=Softphone Error Troubleshooting]]
[[description=When installing and running softphones, there is a range of error codes that might happen. In this article, the normal causes will be explained and how to fix them.]]

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