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Knowledge base centre

Manual Configuration - DSS Keys (BLF/Speed dial)


This article will cover how to configure Direct Station Selection (DSS) keys.
DSS keys improve efficiency in the workplace, offering short keys to dial other internal phones or speed dial a frequently rung number. 
Note: Examples below may differ visually, depending on the device model and firmware being used.


Logging in to the Phone Gateway

To access the phone gateway, identify the IPv4 address of the phone and input it into your web browser.

The default Username and Password is admin - it is highly recommended that this be changed and written down for future access.


Configure DSS Keys

Locate and select the DSS Key tab, then select Line Key. If the phone is provisioned, Line Key 1 should be pre-filled. 



Busy Lamp Field (BLF) keys are used to monitor and ring internal Users within the business. They will provide Green and Red lights depending if the User is available or on a call. Configuring the key can be done by Filling out the required fields.

Note: Using ** in the extension field allows you to pick up a call that is ringing to that User.

Once complete, hit confirm and you should see the key appear on your handset.


Speed Dial Key

Speed Dial Keys allow you to quickly call a number that is configured. This is especially handy for businesses that ring the same locations regularly.

Configuring this key can be done by filling out the required fields.

Note: If the number is interstate, ensure to use the relevant area code

Once complete, hit confirm and you should see the key appear on your handset.

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